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How to Feel Confident & Claim Your Personal Power

How to Feel Confident & Claim Your Personal Power (solar plexus yellow chakra)

Are you feeling unsure of yourself? Or is it that you want to take responsibility for your life and voice your opinion and ideas with calm conviction?

Perhaps you are yearning for more self-assurance in social settings. Every time you enter a party where you don’t know anyone, your heart races, and a sense of panic tenses your belly.

It could be that confidence isn’t an issue for you, but you are unhappy with your self-discipline or ability to take action to make goals a reality. Why can’t you move forward?

You aren’t alone.

Countless people struggle to enter a job interview with confidence. Many are bluffing their way through life. They want to exude more personal power in everyday life, but they don’t know how.

Read on to give your self-confidence a quick boost and a long-lasting supercharge.

1. Feel Confident NOW! The Quick Fix

A quick fix is to go somewhere where you are alone and stand for two to five minutes in a power pose.

Widen your stance, lift your arms in the air, and smile. Or, you can spread your legs in a wide stance, place your hands on your hips, and stand up straight.

Alternatively, you can lean your head back into your hands, place your feet up on a desk, and lean back in your chair for two to five minutes.

According to the social psychologist Amy Cuddy’s Ted talk, taking on these ‘power poses’ will make you feel more confident and boost your power. It doesn’t even matter if you aren’t feeling confident when you enter the pose. The pose itself will alter your mind to feel more personal power after two to five minutes.

Start to be cognizant of your body language in social situations. Do you pull in and make yourself smaller? Make a conscious effort to open up, take up more space, and widen your stance.

Do you cross your arms or your legs? Do you fidget with your keys, rings, or hair? Are you touching your neck, hugging yourself, or taking up a small space?

Consciously take a deep breath, broaden through your chest, pull your shoulders onto your back, and spread out your elbows or arms.

2. Boost your Personal in Power 10-30 Minutes

When we feel small and powerless, we tend to experience pain or tightness in our solar plexus. The solar plexus area of the body is the center of personal power.

When the solar plexus is balanced, you will be able to assert yourself with confidence without feeling the urge to use excessive control.

Instead of feeling helpless or irresponsible, you will have the inner power to exert self-discipline and the will to achieve the goals you desire. A balanced solar plexus means you exude personal energy while maintaining harmonious relationships with most of your social connections.

Balance your yellow solar plexus chakra to boost your power.

You can complete a solar plexus fortifying yoga session to release the tension and reclaim more of your power in just ten to twenty minutes.

Here are some free yoga videos to balance your solar plexus chakra:

Solar Plexus Chakra: Yoga Practice to Ignite Your Power With ALLIE

Solar Plexus Chakra Yoga Class with BRETT LARKIN

Solar Plexus Chakra Yoga Class with HEATHER LENZ

Radiate your personal power into the world by revitalizing this solar plexus chakra at least once a week. With regular practice, you will begin to assert yourself, feel confident in all social settings, live your life with confidence, and no longer fear claiming your power.

3. Strength Analysis

How much of your mind space is focusing on your weaknesses and where you want to grow?

When was the last time you recognized and praised yourself for your strengths, skills, and accomplishments?

If you are like most people, you spend the majority of your time looking at how to improve. More attention is given to what you don’t do well (yet!) than where you excel.

It’s time to shift perspective to boost your confidence level and start the path to claiming more of your power.

Get out a paper and pen and a clean sheet of paper. It is time to write down your strengths, which include your unique personality traits, your skills, and the knowledge-based skills you learned from experience and education.

Are you unsure of your strengths? You can take this free strength finder test: Be sure to write down your results on your paper.

Next, you can analyze the strengths of your personality. You can take this free personality test here:

You can analyze your character strengths with this free test:

Alternatively, you can search the lists below to find what you recognize as your strengths. These lists are non-exhaustive, so if you think of something not on the list, please mention it in the comments, and I will add it.

Personal Strengths

Technical Skills

Knowledge / Experience Skills

Zest & Energy

Brave & Challenge Friendly


Social Intelligence

Emotional intelligence



Self Regulation



Appreciation of Beauty






Examine all angles


Strategic Thinking


Love of Learning


Seeing the Essence
















Open Minded



Self Controlled




Team Player

Great Communication

Leadership Experience

Writing Skills

Follows Directions Well


Computer Skills

Time Management

Client Relations

Customer Service




Effective Listener

Negotiation Skills

Excellent Presenter

Well Organized


Great Planner

Able to Delegate

Detail Oriented

Interpersonal Skills










Web Design


Product Development

Startup Knowledge





Computer Science



Civil Engineering




Social Media

Contract Services

Product Design

Fluent in Foreign Languages


Now that you have your list of strengths, it is time for you to write down your top three in each area: personality/character, technical skills, knowledge/experience skills.

Next, analyze your list of strengths and pick out one that you want to improve out of each category.

Research opportunities to become more masterful in your area of strength. Is there a book you can read, a course you can take, a daily practice you can commit to pursuing? Write down a ‘due date’ by which you will work to improve your top three strengths.

Here is an example. If your top strengths are zest for life, writing skills, and design, then you could make a goal of sharing your zest for life more openly with everyone in your life. You could join a writing course to write better dialogue in your fiction stories, a class to learn to write, or a program on writing articles for magazines. To improve your mastery of design you could check out books from the library to increase your knowledge.

Giving attention to what you are good at will increase your confidence. Gaining mastery in your strength areas will then skyrocket your self-assurance. You will not only know what strengths you bring to the table, but you will also believe in the power of improvement and growth as you work on increasing your expertise and skills.

4. A Little More PASSION Please

What brings you joy, spikes your curiosity, or can capture your attention for hours at a time? Knowing your passions can enhance your self-assurance. In a group, you may find those who share your passion for architecture, horses, gardening, programming, new product design, writing, painting, astronomy, or more. Discussing a shared passion can enable the conversation to flow freely and forge a quick bond.

Even if no one in a group shares your passion, they will most likely want to watch you light up with enthusiasm as you talk about it. Just be sure to watch the body language of your conversational partners.

When attention starts to lessen, eyes begin to shift, and smiles start to freeze, it’s time to change topics. Don’t take such a shift in focus personally. It's just time to give floor space to other people’s passions.

4. Add Masterty

Increasing your mastery in an area of passion or measing to you can also increase your confidence and personal power. Just remeber to go out there and USE your mastery in a way that increase your feeling of empowerment.

Are You Sure You Want to Claim Your Power?

Being weak, indecisive, and failing could be getting your needs met. Sound crazy?

Ask yourself how much positive attention you receive from your lack of confidence and power. Take at least ten minutes to think this over.

It could be that you only receive attention from your social circles through failure, lack of follow-through, uncertainty, and lack of confidence.

Does anyone you in gaining confidence and claiming your power? In such a situation you may be unconsciously sabotaging yourself.

Hello Confidence

Are you ready to make the leap to claim your personal power?

Continue to walk through the three steps of fixing your body language, tending to your inner emotional landscape with yoga for the solar plexus area of your body, and increasing your mastery of your top three strengths.

Walking through life with balance and inner strength is worth the investment of effort. I wish you great success!

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