Visualize a light glowing in your heart center.
With each deep breath in, see the light glow a little warmer, heating up clinging dark energy.
With each long, slow, exhale your body relaxes deeper.
Breathe in deeply. Exhale fully.
Visualize the light at your heart center glowing even brighter, its warmth increasing. Feel all negativity, rage, anger, resentment, sadness, and despair start to loosen, melting under the warmth of the heart’s emanating heat.
You are not what has happened to you.
You are loved.
Breathe in deeply. Exhale fully.
Feel all negativity, rage, anger, resentment, sadness, and despair start to burn away, evaporate, like steam. A lightness permeates your entire being.
Breathe in deeply. Exhale fully.
The golden glow at your heart center softens, still warm and comforting. Sense the warmth seeping out from your heart chakra. Feel a loving-kindness starting to flow out from your heart through your body, relaxing you deeper than ever before.
Repeat after me.
I insist others respect my boundaries, just as I respect theirs.
I can change my life for the better.
I feel the strength of my inner balance and calm.
I can act with loving kindness toward myself and others.
I am filled with love.
Light and positive energy pour out of me into the world.
I am a radiant being of positivity and light.
Negative emotions come and go, like clouds passing over the sun.
I watch the emotions rise up. I name them and calmly wait for them to subside, to wash out.
Like the ocean waves, so too negativity will come, and fall back, wash over me, and recede.
But no longer will I feel overwhelmed, submerged, or suffocated by the negativity.
I feel the strength of my inner balance and calm.
I am not what happens to me.
I am not how others treat me.
The wave of emotions crashes in, but I am not pulled under.
The calm, inner power, like a silent witness, does not push away, nor run, nor cling.
I am filled with radiant light, love, and positivity. The light is always glowing, and will never extinguish.
I choose how to respond to life.
I choose how to respond to others.
I choose to fan to full flame the glowing warmth of my heart center, over, and over again.
No one and nothing can extinguish my light.
I am pure love.
Stretch your fingers, and wiggle your toes. When you are ready, smile, open your eyes, and lift your focus.
Wishing you love, light, and serenity – Namaste.