Are you the toxic person in your relationships? Or does your toxic behavior ignite only under certain conditions or around particular people? Analyze the list with an honest heart.
Putting Others Down Makes You Feel Good
You Can’t Admit When You're Wrong
You're Super Mad 24/7
You Aren’t Happy For The People You Love
You’re Too Selfish
You Think Only Your Opinion Matters
You Love Holding Grudges
You Live For Approval
You Don't Take Care Of Yourself
You Forget To Appreciate Things
You Compare Yourself
You can't concentrate on the path you're on because you're too busy evaluating every step you take against a standard set by somebody else
You Let Fear Stop You
You Forget Your Long-Term Goals
You blame everyone else for your problems
You talk behind people's backs
You Take More Than You Give
Your Life is Constantly Filled With Drama
You Can’t Let GO
You Focus on the Negative
You Dominate the Conversation. Always
Even the most loveable of us can be toxic sometimes, so don't despair if you checked off multiple of the above toxic behaviors. Awareness is the first step to change :)