7 Ways to Skyrocket Your Health & Well-being Fast
No, it’s not the most important meal of the day.
Just like us, our digestive system needs a break from time to time.
Make it a habit to leave a window of at least twelve hours between your last meal in the evening and your first meal in the morning to boost your well-being.
Once to twice a week schedule skip breakfast and all food until lunchtime. An extended food break will give your body and digestion a much-needed break to clean and prepare.
You may want to make sure that you plan your two-morning fasts for when your brain doesn’t need to be working at high speed. Just like our muscles, the brain needs fuel to function at peak performance. So don’t plan to fast the morning of a big presentation or a test.
Drink a liter of water throughout the morning and enjoy non-sugar teas and coffee. Add in an early morning walk and detox yoga flow to wring toxins out of your system and clear your body. At lunch time don’t overcompensate with fatty or sugary foods.
Instead, opt for fiber and nutrient-rich vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.
Add in an indulgence after lunch or later in the afternoon and savor every bite. Fasting isn’t about losing weight, but about optimizing your digestion and clearing your body of toxins.
Smoothie Me Right
A detox smoothie can be just what you need to give your health and well-being a boost fast. The key is not just what you put in the smoothie, as much as what you leave out. Sugar, sweeteners, and bananas are on the no-list for your detox smoothie.
A smoothie rich in vitamin C floods your digestion with antioxidants that help in detoxification and boost immunity. Greens such as spinach, kale, arugula, or beet greens are nutrient-rich and powerhouses at heavy metal detox work in your body.
Chia and flaxseeds are rich in omega-3 three fats that reduce inflammation and give your skin and hair a healthy glow while aiding in detoxification.
Probiotics are well known to benefit your health and improve your digestion. If you are lactose intolerant or hate the taste of yogurt, you can add the probiotic powder to your smoothie instead, but you will be forgoing the healthy source of protein.
1 cup of Blueberries
a handful of clean spinach leaves and kale
an orange
a kiwi
the juice of a lemon
1 cup of probiotic plain, unsweetened yogurt
1teaspoon of chia seeds
1 teaspoon of flaxseeds.
You can also add chlorella powder, which is a single-celled green algae, to your smoothie to bind with heavy metals and toxins and enable them to be flushed from your body.
Willpower Muscle Builder
Did you know you can build your willpower? Try this for yourself. Add a jump into a cold shower into your daily schedule and discover how counting to three and then taking the plunge transfers as a GO tactic in other areas of your life.
You will not only experience a jump in energy, circulation, and good mood by jumping in icy water. You will be training yourself to respond to 1,2,3, GO! You can then use this brain programming when you want to get yourself out of bed, start working on that report you’ve been dreading, or drag yourself away from the TV.
Building willpower will give you a boost in confidence, which will improve your sense of well-being and efficacy.
Hate them? Eat Them Anyway
Kale, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, and cabbage all have the power to aid your body in detoxing your body and improving your digestion. If you hate them, then eat them anyway. Consider them medicine for your body and swallow them down, without the spoonful of sugar.
Sugar Cleanse
Try eliminating all sugar from your diet two days a week. Giving up sugar permanently can set you up for instant failure. Temptations are everywhere, holidays and special events almost always include dessert, and it can cause you to throw up your hands and shout ‘I give up!’ or ‘I’ll take all dozen donuts please’.
Your two-day sugar cleanse could even reduce your overall consumption of sugar for the rest of the week.
Just like alcohol, we can become resistant to sweetness. Take a break from sugar for two days a week and you will readjust your sweet perception. Fruit will taste sweeter. You may even find sugary drinks and sugar-saturated foods taste overly sweetened, and eat less or pass.
A two-day-a-week sugar cleanse is feasible. You allow your body to take a break from the spikes and dips in blood sugar and enable your digestion to detox better. Those power greens you are eating will be more powerful without the sugar in your gut causing inflammation and disturbing your healthy bacteria balance.
Flow Throughout Your Day and Give Up the Gym.
The pivotal way to skyrocket your health and well-being is by exercising for ten to thirty minutes first thing in the morning and then incorporating five to ten minutes of movement into your schedule throughout your day.
Intimidated by how to push so much movement into your daily life? It’s easier and more pleasurable than you may realize.
While a sweaty workout can feel great, the effort and time of getting in a hard workout is not the best health solution for most people. Instead, adding in regular, gentle exercise is the solution.
Start your day with ten to twenty minutes of yoga and strength training first thing in the morning. Strength training is essential to health and wellness, especially if you are over 30 years old. But you don’t need to lift huge weights or head to the gym to build strength. Bodyweight exercises, such as pushups and squats are effective.
Take the opportunity to stroll outside or climb a flight of stairs during your coffee break to get circulation and your energy reflow through your body and mind.
Next, add in 5-10 minutes of walking after lunch and dinner.
Incorporate five to ten minutes of gentle Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Yoga, or Pilates as soon as you get home from work to shed stress and reinvigorate yourself with soft vibrating energy.
Lay Flat and Listen to Recharge
A crucial way to recharge your body with vitality and energy is to get in tune with its energy flows and messages. Instead of pushing forward through a downward slump in energy, stress, or outright exhaustion, you should tune in and answer your body, mind, or emotional call for relief.
Often we try to ignore and power through the cues our body and emotions send us because we think we don’t have time for a break. Other times we feel so tired or overwhelmed, that there is the fear to take a break. We worry we may not summon the willpower to get back up again or summon the gumption to keep working forward.
The solution is the three, five, or ten-minute meditation rest. Ideally, you should lay flat on the floor to give your entire body a proper rest. If lying flat is impossible, sitting cross-legged with a tall spine on the floor or a chair is another solution.
Find a three, five, or ten meditation on youtube and focus your attention on being guided into relaxation and release. Don’t fight against the thoughts that tumble into your mind. Shift your attention merely back to the guided meditation or your breath.
Try the lay flat and meditate solution the next time negative emotions or fatigue roll over you. You will be pleasantly surprised at how refreshed and balanced you will feel afterward and ready to continue working and living a vibrant life.
Optimally you can try adding in the few minutes of laying flat and meditating as soon as you get home from work. Experiment with whether laying flat and meditating first is optimal for you, or if it’s better to do after your evening five to ten-minute gentle Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Yoga, or Pilates flow.
Wishing you radiant health, joy, and love, Heather