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Energy Quick Fixes– How to Fill Yourself with More Energy & Uplift

1. Go to Bed Before 10 pm to Capture the Highest Quality Sleep

Climb into bed by 9:45 pm to wind down by reading, meditating, or listening to music so you can fall asleep before ten. You will capture high-quality sleep which occurs between ten and midnight.

2. Wake Up Before 6 am

It may sound counterintuitive, but wake up earlier to feel more energy. Set your alarm clock for 5:30 am or 5:45 am and don’t hit the snooze button. Before you fall asleep at night visualize yourself jumping out of bed the moment the alarm goes off.

3. Drink Half a Liter of Water With Fresh Lemon

Drink half a liter of water right after you first wake up. For maximum energy add the juice of half of a lemon to the water. Hydrating first thing in the morning will give you a rush of energy and clear your mind.

4. Meditate for 5-20 Minutes

You can make it easier to climb out of bed the second your alarm goes off. I find guided meditations first thing in the morning pull me out of bed the best. Here are some of my favorite free meditations for you to try:

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